Products News


Housing in grey polycarbonate Polycarbonate diffuser White painted gear tray Diffuser clips and mounting brackets are in stainless steel


Material Die-cast aluminium body PC lens


Material Housing in grey polycarbonate Opal polycarbonate diffuser White painted gear tray Diffuser clips and mounting brackets are in stainless steel


Material Die-cast aluminium body PC lens

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News text content test release

Data breaches and other types of modern, large-scale cyberattacks have been making headlines for more than a decade

Why does lighting need to be designed?

Why does lighting need to be designed? Let's start with a simple house. The basic functions of the house define the use of different spaces in the house.

10 Considerations for Interior Lighting Design

Modern architectural decoration not only pays attention to the constituent elements of indoor space, but also pays more attention to the aesthetic effect of lighting on the indoor and outdoor environment and the resulting psychological effect.

Basic knowledge of indoor lighting design (4) illuminance, brightness, glare, shadow, color display, etc

Basic knowledge of indoor lighting design (4) illuminance, brightness, glare, shadow, color display, etc

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